Time to join forces to value our Port of Santos

Bruno Tavares – Vice President of São Paulo Pilotage
While a new port management model is being proposed by the Ministry of Infrastructure for the Port of Santos, for all of us who experience the day-to-day life of this logistical complex comes a single wish: that the solutions found are the best for strengthening port activity , essential for the country's development.
According to information from MInfra, the privatization of the Port of Santos could generate an investment of almost BRL 30 billion, will expand port capacity from 150 to 290 million tons and create more than 60,000 jobs, as predicted by Minister Tarcísio Freitas. Just this week he assured that Santos will become the great container hub in Latin America. And it has everything to be.
Our Port, located in the country's main economic region, has an access channel with geographic limitations – a narrow and winding channel. The navigation of ships of ever-increasing dimensions and drafts has been possible, with a significant contribution from Pilotage, which has always proactively prepared itself for the challenges that the Port’s growth brings.
The modernization of operations and the improvement of port management, the effort of the various maritime and port segments, combined with the participation of Pilotage, have been causing year-on-year breaks in cargo handling records, the result of which is demonstrated by the Port Authority: in 2009, 3.2 million TEUs were handled and last year (2021) the mark reached 4.8 million (50% more). Data are also very positive in general cargo handling: Last year, the Port handled 147 million tons, against 83.2 in 2009 (77% more).
With great professional satisfaction, I can say that Pilotage of São Paulo has provided efficient and intense work to contribute to our Port continuing this expansion process. To this end, our teams work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, always taking care of safety at sea and the environment, ensuring the supply of essential goods and the development of our country. Those are our goals.
Another satisfaction we have is with our performance in the issue of sustainability and environmental preservation. One year ago, Pilotage in São Paulo intensified, in a pioneering way, its environmental actions with the Environmental Management Program of the Via Green Institute (VGP), contributing to the fight against climate change, with excellent results and increasing savings in water and energy. In this matter, there is no turning back and everyone must do their part.
ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) practices only make sense if they are part of day-to-day actions and this implies raising the awareness of the entire team, involvement with the community, transparency and compliance, and health and well-being of all collaborators.
The Port of Santos is part of a large logistics structure that depends on the actions of all those involved in order to continue growing in an organized manner. He is also the center of our work and we are faithful actors in this journey. That is why we, from São Paulo Pilotage, make a point of following closely all discussions about its future and collaborating with those who love and work in the processes of seeking the best paths, because “together we are stronger”.